Pole Fitness

Pole Fitness at Twisted Willow Studio

Pole fitness combines movements both on and off a vertical pole to develop strength, co-ordination, flexibility, and enhance self-confidence. The classes are designed to be professional, challenging, and fun! While we may get a bit sassy at times, the classes are not sexual in nature and differ greatly from "pole dancing" as a form of entertainment.

Classes are taught as registered sets so that participants can build strength/co-ordination to learn new moves & choreography as they build upon previous classes.

Please note, all new students are required to fill out a client history form prior to any fitness class held at Inner Stillness Holistic Studio or Twisted Willow Studio.  If you have health concerns, please speak to your doctor or health care professional before beginning any new regime.  **Please note, this class is not recommended if you are experiencing recent or ongoing concerns with wrists, shoulders, neck, low back, hips and/or knees**


No current classes scheduled; for private bookings please email: christina@twistedwillowstudio.ca